CHARLIE'S SHEEN-ANIGANS: CHARLIE SHEEN must be using again. Listen to what he wants to do ... He wants to move both ex-wives - DENISE RICHARDS and BROOKE MUELLER - into his neighborhood!!! But wait there's more!!! He'll not only BUY THEM A HOUSE each, he'll pay for the moving expenses for both ladies, too.

RadarOnline says he wants to do it to be closer to his four kids, and the kids can get to know each other as well. A source says Brooke loves the idea, and is likely to take Charlie up on it. No word yet about Denise.

2.) Charlie went back to work yesterday, and he brought his new girlfriend along with him. When asked her name, he replied ... and I quote, "None of your f-ing business."


JESSICA'S WEIGHT GAIN: Remember last week's tabloid story which claimed JESSICA SIMPSON'S boyfriend was threatening to call everything off  if Jess didn't start shedding for the wedding? And we all thought 'well, how fat really can Jessica be', right? Here's Jessica at the recent Gracie Awards ...


We Report, You Decide ...


ROMANCE REPORT: Glee's Matthew Morrison and The Daily Show's Olivia Munn heated up the stands at Sunday night's New York Rangers hockey game ...


QUOTE/UNQUOTE:  "I want to give my fans everything they deserve and they do not deserve sweat pants and sneakers" -- LADY GAGA in an interview with about her wacky and plentiful costumes.


MILEY GETS YOUTH INSPIRATION AWARD; IRONIC FIRST WORD THAT COMES TO MIND: Miley was CELEBRATED over the weekend by a group called the Global Action Youth Leadership, which gave her an INSPIRATION AWARD. When she stepped up to the mic to accept the award, Miley had a message for children around the world ...

Soooo, basically what's she's saying is IGNORE YOUR PARENTS???!!!

OH-EM-GEE TIMES A MILLION!!! BIEBER CUTS HIS HAIR!!!: JUSTIN BIEBER Tweeted this pic of his newly trimmed locks ...


(-- The guy in the pic with him is GARY LEVOX from Rascal Flatts. Justin was on the set of a video he's doing with them.)  He told TMZ he, quote, "just got sick of it. It was always in my eyes and I just wanted it out of my face."

Speaking of the Bieb ... What did you get for Valentine's Day? Whatever it was, it probably wasn't as cool as this: The teen star surprised reputed girlfriend Selena Gomez last Wednesday by filling her house with flowers.


TMZ says the "florist needed every single flower in the shop to complete the order and had to use multiple trucks to pull off the stunt." Selena reportedly loved the surprise.

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