Despite New CDC Guidance, EP Officials Not Shortening Quarantine
While new guidance from the CDC indicates shortened quarantine times based on certain conditions being met, El Paso health officials have stated that those recommendations won’t go into effect locally at this time.
As of now El Pasoans who have been exposed to COVID-19 are required to quarantine for 14 days. For those wondering if this will become another issue similar to the controversial shut down order that the state court ultimately reversed, this shouldn’t be the case since the CDC provides guidance but leaves it up to local public health officials to determine quarantine protocols according to their particular situation.
The Center for Disease Control has gone on record in saying that those that have been in direct contact with somebody that has contracted COVID-19 can break quarantine after 10 days if they are asymptomatic and have not been tested or after 7 days if they are asymptomatic, got tested, and test results came back negative.
The pandemic numbers in El Paso are still extraordinarily high which no doubt was a determining factor for not shortening the quarantine length in El Paso and the surrounding areas.