CDC Has Two New Recommendations for Quarantine Times
As the world continues to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released an update regarding how long someone should quarantine if they are exposed to someone with COVID-19.
This is something many have debated over these past months, especially during the rise in COVID-19 fatigue. The CDC believes a shorten quarantine will lessen stress on public health officials and for those who need to get back to work ASAP.
While quarantining for two weeks is still recommended, you can now follow the two newly added quarantine options.
These options are for those who were exposed to someone who has COVID-19 but are without symptoms. For those who did not take a test and have no symptoms, it is recommended you quarantine for ten days.
For those who did take a test and it came back negative, you can end quarantine on Day 7.
If you struggle with understanding the difference between quarantine and isolation, please watch this quick CDC video below.
If you struggle with understanding your test results, here is another video you should watch:
Ultimately, the CDC says local public health officials make the final decisions on how long residents should quarantine but do take guidance from the CDC.
Please just continue to do what you can to stop the spread of this virus. El Paso is hurting.
As the holidays approach, some might all be feeling sad, alone, and desperate to get out of the house but think about being the reason someone you love gets sick. You don't want that guilt. Do what is smart.