Coats Across The Border Seeking Jackets For People In Need
One local El Pasoan is helping our neighbors in Ciudad Juárez stay warm this year.
Coats Across the Border is a charity organization based out of El Paso created by Priscilla Yanez, who has been collecting coats and blankets for the less fortunate across the border.
Yanez, along with her friend Katie, has been busy collecting as many jackets and blankets for delivery to our neighbors in Anapra, one of the most impoverished areas of Ciudad Juárez.
Every day El Pasoans have grown accustomed to the view across the border from UTEP, where makeshift colorful homes line the steep hills of Anapra in Ciudad Juárez. The Anapra neighborhood is one of the poorest areas in the city, where families suffer from inadequate heating and cooling capabilities making for extremely harsh summers and winters.
To help ease their ongoing struggle, Coats Across the Border has teamed up with Baptist Student Ministry, who will be heading to Anapra in December to help build homes and will take that opportunity to deliver the collected coats and blankets.
Coat Donations:
- Coats Across The Border is looking for new or gently used and freshly laundered coats and blankets. Coats being accepted for all sizes, including children.
Drop-off Locations:
Baptist Student Ministry
- 101 E. University
- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Ask for Santiago Garcia
- 1613 Pleasonton Rd. Suite B-10
- El Paso TX 79906
For anyone who would like to make a donation, but cannot drop-off please call Priscilla Yanez at 623-330-5834 or Katie at 915-218-0015 to set up a pickup time and for more information.
Donations will be accepted through December 1, 2020.

READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now
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