Children’s Kingdom Food Provides a Free Meal for Hungry Students
As all El Paso children must stay at home instead of attend school due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this means some students might miss out on a meal they would have usually received from the school. Children's Kingdom Café is offering some help for those in need of meals.
Below you can see a list of pickup locations for students ranging from ages 1-18 years old.
Children's Kingdom Food Pickup Locations
All parents need to do is drive up to one of these locations, during the designated time and days, then either present your child, or their student ID, or report card or a copy of a birth certificate then the child will receive a free breakfast and lunch, from Children's Kingdom Food.
During these crazy times, no one should have to go hungry, especially the children in our community. If you or someone you know can benefit from this program, please let them know how about it and give them Children's Kingdom Phone number to call (915-544-8800) for more information or questions.