Can You Think Of A New Name For Robert E. Lee Elementary?
In 2017, there was a push to change the name of northeast El Paso elementary school Robert E. Lee Elementary. The school is named for the Confederate military leader who led southern troops in their failed attempt to create a country where slavery could be allowed to continue to exist. The school is located at 7710 Pandora Street near Fort Bliss, and now in light of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis two weeks ago, the school is going to undergo a name change.
Earlier this month, EPISD school board trustee Freddy Klayel-Avalos said he has discussed the possible name change with Superintendent Juan Cabrera after a concerned constituent contacted him about the school's name. Cabrera said he supported changing Robert E. Lee Elementary’s name back in 2017, and would support the name change now if that's what the public wanted.
The district wants to know if you have an idea for a new name for the school. You can nominate someone by clicking here.
There are a few things you should keep in mind when you submit a name:
1. The individual you nominate should have made an exceptional contribution to public education, in EPISD, to so society.
2. The person you have in mind should have represent exemplary human qualities or serve as a role model for the students who will attend the school.
3. The person nominated can't be an employee at EPISD at the time of the consideration or selection of the name of the school.
4. EPISD is looking for diversity in selecting a school name.
5. You could also use the names of geographic areas, landmarks or academic-educational functions if you don't have a person's name in mind.
This is a great chance for kids who are seeing the change in attitudes towards black Americans to learn more about why the name of their school is being changed. It's not to erase history but to teach that just because something was okay in the past, it's not necessarily the right way of doing things or treating people. Hopefully EPISD will get some good name ideas from the public.
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