Calling All Twitter and Instagram Freaks! Follow Me!
With the craze of social media nowadays how can you not enjoy these FREE fun features?! Here is the 411 on each and why you should join and follow me too!
Twitter, a place you can post your thoughts, ideas, randomness, info, and pics...(in 140 characters or less ofcourse). You can follow your friends, celebrities, political figures, sports figures and THEY can even follow YOU! I always feel cool that I can send a tweet to my favorite I know them! haha....It is kind of cool that Vanilla Ice and Jeremy Lin follow me though! And you can too! Pattycakes_713
Instagram, another awesome portal to share pictues and follow your friend photographers. It turns any picture into a piece of art. From a family portrait to a glass of wine, they all look professional with Instagrams features. Join for free then follow me! Pattycakes713
Can't wait to have you follow me! Not in a stalker way though please :) haha