Best Places to Take El Paso Dads on Father’s Day
Father's Day is this weekend and I was curious. Where is the best place to take dad on Father's Day? I asked the question on social media and the results were mixed. A pattern emerge from all the responses, meat! Almost all of the answers submitted had something to do with eating meat. Coralitos Steakhouse, Rib Hut, Mesa Street and The Original Great American Steakhouse all received positive responses from our listeners. While those suggestions were all good ones, one response received more votes than any other. Staying home and grilling some steaks was the number one answer, by far.
Most El Paso fathers seem to prefer the simple pleasure of striking up the grill and firing up some steaks. Cold beers are a father's day must, of course. So if you are not sure where to take dad on father's day, look no further than your back yard.
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