Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule Distribution For El Paso Churches
Ash Wednesday means Catholics all over town will be heading out to get ashes. Ashes distribution usually happens in connection with a Mass, but there are some churches that put ashes out for you a do-it-yourself ash distribution. Most churches will have an English and Spanish mass and ashes distribution schedule. Call your church for their complete distribution schedule. You can check out a complete list of all churches in the El Paso Catholic Diocese by clicking here for the Diocese website.
These are a few of the larger churches around town that you can go to for Mass and ashes:
St. Patrick’s Cathedral - 7 a.m. Mass and ashes (English); 8:30 a.m. St. Patrick's School Mass and ashes (English, public is welcome); 10:20 a.m. Mass and ashes Cathedral High School (English, public is welcome); 12:15 p.m. Mass and ashes (bilingual); 5:15 Children's liturgy and ashes (English); 7 p.m. Mass and ashes (Spanish)
St. Piux X – 7 a.m. Mass and ashes (bilingual); 9 a.m. and noon Liturgy of the Word (bilingual); 5 a.m. Mass and ashes (English); 7 a.m. Mass and ashes (Spanish)
Immaculate Conception – 7:00 a.m. Mass and ashes; 12:05 p.m. Mass and ashes; 6:30 p.m. Mass and ashes. All masses are in Latin.
St. Raphael – 6:30 a.m. Mass and ashes (English); 8:15 a.m. Mass and ashes (English); 10 a.m. and Noon, Service of the Word, ashes distribution; 5 p.m. Mass and ashes (English); 7 p.m. Mass and ashes (Spanish).