Beyonce and Jay Z are rumored to be gearing up to hopscotch across the country together on a massive summer stadium tour, that, oh-muh-gawd, could include a stop in our Sun Bowl! Word is the first couple of hip-hop will soon announce details of a 20-stadium U.S. tour projected to get underway in late June, and according to KVIA, UTEP plans to do all it can to make Sun Bowl stadium one of them.

Jorge Vazquez, director of Special Events at UTEP which operates the Sun Bowl, told ABC7 the demand for One Direction's September Sun Bowl concert might help convince promoters.

But before you start hyperventilating, keep in mind nothing is official yet, and even if the rumored tour, reportedly dubbed "The Mr. and Mrs. Carter Tour," turns out to be for real, an El Paso stop is not a sure thing. Still, to be safe, I'm going to start working on my "Marry me Bey" sign.

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