5 Staycation Locations Within A Two Hour Drive From El Paso
Sometimes a vacation needs to last just a day. Staycations don't necessarily have to be within the city limits. If you get up in the morning and drive a couple of hours, there are some fun and interesting spots you can hit within a day. Pack a cooler with some beverages and snacks, take an extra set of clothing just in case, plenty of sunscreen, and hit the open road to check out these fun staycation locations:
1. Carlsbad Caverns - If you haven't taken your kids to see the caverns, get in the car right now and go there. From the walk down through the biggest damned hole in the earth that you've ever seen to the amazing rock formations, there is something that will wow ever member of your family. Take the self-guided tour so you don't have to be in a large tour group and can take your time to walk through. Carlsbad Caverns website.
2. Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs is a gorgeous spot just outside of Las Cruces by the Organ Mountains. There are hiking trails to explore and really beautiful scenery to enjoy. There is a $5 per car entrance fee, and if you go, take a 5 dollar bill because they don't make change. The Springs are lovely all year long, but during the summer monsoon season, they are spectacular. Dripping Springs Visitor Center 575.522.1219.
3. Alamogordo - The Museum of Space History. The International Space Hall of Fame. The Hubbard Space Science Research Building. The New Horizons Dome Theater and Planetarium. All of these are located in the New Mexico Museum of Space History. It's old school but very hands on for the kiddos. They also have the theater and planetarium that will totally blow you away with the movies and programs. A definite must see. New Mexico Space History museum website.
4. Old Mesilla - Located inside Las Cruces, Old Mesilla is a great place to go to wander through quaint shops, check out the history of Billy the Kid when he was wandering this area, and eat in some really good restaurants that just happen to be historic, like the La Posta restaurant, or very, very haunted like the Double Eagle restaurant. The Double Tree bar is gorgeous but you can definitely feel the weight of history and ghosteses! Old Mesilla Facebook page.
5. White Sands - The Sands are the world’s largest geologically unique gypsum dunefield, bet you didn't know that. It really is a spectacular sight, day and night. You can check out the Sands during the day, but take lots of water and be aware that the heat can be deadly. There are also various nighttime events during the spring and summer that are fun and educational. If you want some amazing Instagram pics, White Sands is the way to go. White Sands facebook page.
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