A crazy number of new laws went into effect over the holiday weekend. A lot of them you heard a lot about in the news; like brass knuckles being made legal, the age to buy tobacco and e-cigs moved to 21, and sending nudes to people who don't want them being made a misdemeanor.

Here are some you might have missed.



Breastfeeding in public has been allowed by law in Texas for some time now. This new law makes pumping legal in public spaces. The previous law didn't mention pumping when it comes to breastfeeding in public. This law fixes that.

Alcohol Delivery

This one is interesting. Under a new law, you can now have booze delivered to your home along with meals. Now you don't have to choose between staying home or getting that margarita.

You Can Take Home Beer from a Brewery

This one is insane to me. In Texas, it has been legal for you to buy a bottle from a distillery and take it home. It was illegal, however, to buy beer from a brewery and take it home. In the spirit of equality for all spirits, this new law does away with that bit of bigoted insanity.

Your Kid's Lemonade Stand is Legal

This one made headlines across the nation, but not much has been said about it recently, so here's a reminder. Thanks to this new law, your kid is no longer the boss of a criminal enterprise by maintaining a lemonade stand. The wackiest part of this law is that we needed it in the first place.

Cough Syrup

We all know that now you have to be 21 in order to buy tobacco products and e-cigs. You now have to be 18 in order to buy cough syrup that contains the ingredient dextromethorphan. Highschool students and those of us on a budget use this over the counter cough syrup to catch a buzz.



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