4th of July Fireworks Displays And Laws in Las Cruces, NM 2013
The 4th of July is my absolute FAVORITE holiday! The fireworks is why! I will keep you all informed of different displays to catch in town and the surrounding areas this year!
The City of Las Cruces Fourth of July Celebration encompasses two nights and two days of activities presented to the public with free admission to all functions.
- Included in the activities are the Electric Light Parade (July 3rd - begins at City Hall on N. Main St. at 9:00 p.m. and heads south on Church St. around the Downtown Mall and heads north on Water St.)
- July 4 - The largest Fireworks Display in Southern New Mexico (there will entertainment before the fireworks on the 4th of July. Hadley Complex, 1801 E. Hadley Avenue. Call for time. Free admission. 575-541-2000.
There are firework restrictions for citizens in Las Cruces and Dona Ana County.
Fireworks restrictions
- By state law, fireworks can be sold from June 20 through July 6
- Banned fireworks in Mesilla will now include: stick-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, missile-type rockets, and ground audible devices
- Firecrackers, such as Black Cats, can be bought, possessed and discharged
- Other permissible fireworks in Mesilla include: cone fountains, crackling devices, cylindrical fountains, flitter sparklers, ground spinners, illuminating torches, toy smoke devices, wheels, and mines
- People purchasing fireworks must also obtain, and have in their possession, a permit that allows them to possess fireworks.
- Fireworks discharged in Mesilla must be done so in areas that are paved or barren, or that have a readily accessible source of water for use by the homeowner or the general public
- Anything that flies or shoots more than three feet into the air, such as roman candles, bottle rockets and mortars, are illegal in Las Cruces and uncorporated areas of Doña Ana County.