There's a lot we still don't know about the way the body works, but there's also a lot that scientists do know.  Maybe too much.  Found these oddities your body does, with their scientific explanations.

Eye floaters.  The squiggly lines you see floating around wherever your eyes move?  They're cause by the fluid in your eyeballs getting clumpy and stringy as you age.  It doesn't mean you're going blind.  It's completely natural, and they go away later on.

Brain freeze.  When you eat a lot of cold stuff fast, the top of your mouth can get too cold.  So your brain tries to warm it up by opening up arteries in the area.  And the extra blood pressure causes the headache. Next time it happens press your tongue up against it and it should go away faster.

Toothpaste making orange juice taste weird.  It's not because the toothpaste is too sweet.  It's because it contains chemicals that numb the sweetness receptors on your tongue! Toothpaste will change the taste of other foods too, but it's more noticeable with things that are sweet and acidic, like orange juice.

Weird-smelling urine after you eat asparagus.  There are sulfuric compounds in asparagus, which don't smell bad until AFTER they break down in the body. Then the sulfur comes out in your urine, and fills the bathroom with that lovely scent.

Kinda gross but our bodies are amazing! Sorry I'm a nerd and this stuff interests me. But hey, now ya know!

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