3 Easy Gifts To Keep On Hand In Case Someone Unexpectedly Gives You One
One of the worst things during the holiday season is when you meet up with a friend or co-worker and are presented with a gift and you have nothing to give back. Why do people do that? There should be a hard and fast rule that no presents should be exchanged without express agreement between two people. But if you are caught off guard by someone, keep these three things handy and in a pretty gift box so you can whip it out if you need to.
1. Mall Gift Cards – Everyone loves to shop and sometimes you just need a little something to make your day a little better. If you give a mall gift card it can be used at any store in the mall. The Fountains at Farah, Cielo Vista Mall, the Outlet Shoppes of El Paso, Bassett Place, there are a ton of malls to choose from and you’ll always get the right size.
2. Restaurant Gift Certificate – Who doesn't love to eat when someone else is paying the bill? I know a restaurant gift certificate is always welcome under my Christmas tree. You could get high end gift certificates or Whataburger ones, either way they'll bring a smile to someone's face.
3. Cell phone case – Ok, bear with me here. This sounds like no big deal but if you have ever priced cell phone cases you know they can be, well, pricey. Get a couple of really cool ones and spruce up your friend or family member's phone while pretending that you were thinking about them all along.
MORE: See 30 toys that every '90s kid wanted
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