El Paso’s Vincent Marcus — Vine Celebrity With 1.8 Million Followers
Have you heard of Vincent Marcus? If you haven't, you will soon. Vincent, an El Paso native who still lives in the Sun City, is among a new brand of celebrities -- Vine celebrities, and has amassed 1.84 million followers on the video-sharing social media site.
Vincent stopped by the KISS studios today and wowed us with his sick beatboxing and dead-on impressions. The guy is FUNNY.
Vincent just graduated from UTEP and said he signed up for Vine (an app where users share 6-second looping videos - think Instagram video, but for super short attention spans) after a friend suggested he'd be good at it.
Turns out he's great at it and is the 45th largest user on the social media site -- outranking Ellen DeGeneres (1.7 million followers), Miley Cyrus (1.07 million), Taylor Swift (863k followers) and Katy Perry (826k followers). Way to represent the 915, Vincent!
Vincent said his life has been dramatically changed because of the app. He's gone on trips and had numerous opportunities come his way because of it, including a performance at The Hollywood Improv in LA.
It was amazing being on the same stage George Carlin stood on
Vincent has an 8-month-old daughter (she makes adorable appearances in some of his Vines) and says she loves the voices he uses when he reads to her.
Vincent took over the mic while he was here, and if you were listening you would have heard Family Guy's Peter Griffin on the radio today. We had to honor of seeing what goes into making one of Vincent's Vines when he shot this one in our studio:
Vincent also showed us his impression of Scott Ronson from our sister station, KLAQ. What happened mid-impression was pretty hilarious:
Here's the Vine that Marcus said first went viral, him beatboxing Macklemore's Thrift Shop. Warning: It's pretty amazing:
You can check out more of Vincent's videos on his Vine page and on Facebook. And remember when he totally blows up that you heard about him first from us!
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