Trick-or-Treating for 2021 Can Be Fun and Safe, If You Follow CDC Guidelines
2020 was such a sad year for many holidays, but in my opinion, Halloween took the biggest hit.
I had just moved into my home in March of 2020 and one of the things I was looking forward to doing in my new home is to give out candy. Sadly, that didn't happen due to COVID-19.
My heart hurt seeing no one out trick-or-treating that year, but 2021 is going to be different.
Thanks to vaccines and people who want to focus on their rights, 2021 is going to be filled with trick-or-treaters.
The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) have officially come out to say kids can go out and trick-or-treat again but with some guidelines.
According to the nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, everyone can enjoy trick-or-treating, as long as you keep it outdoors. We know kids under 12 can not receive a vaccine, so the CDC does recommend keeping Halloween activities outside and to small groups.
For those who have been vaccinated, Dr. Fauci believes you can really feel some relief about going out with the kids to trick-or-treat.
For those who haven't received a vaccine, the CDC does encourage you to get one.
Now, the CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky did mention to CBS News that, she doesn't recommend going out to crowded Halloween parties, but small groups are okay.
So El Pasoans, 2021 is a comeback year, not only for trick-or-treating but for the 36th Annual Halloween Parade. You can join in on the parade for free and show off your Halloween costume, possibly even enter a parade float for a chance to win prizes.