I think we can all agree that breakups are hard, specially when they end messy. Watching someone get petty revenge on an ex can be scandalously satisfying, which may be why video of a woman dumping her cheating ex's mother's ashes into a river has gone viral on TikTok.

However, there's more to this than meets the eye, and it all starts with the story of a Forth Worth, Texas woman named Augustine Gladney.


It all starts with a video (embedded below) uploaded to TikTok by user @StarringSaraa, in a woman is seen emptying an urn into a river, then tossing the urn into the water for good measure. The caption claims this is in retaliation for her man cheating.

@starringsaraa Did she take it too far ? 😳😳😳😳😳 smh #relationshipgoals ♬ I Get Crazy - Scritchmatic



I don’t care how bad a break up is you do not disrespect people who are no longer in the Living World. It’s one thing that he will never get to speak to his mother again, but for you to dump the ashes somewhere just because of a misunderstanding in a relationship is just flat out ridiculous and wrong. Judging by the comments on the video and across platforms like Twitter, I wasn't alone in my outrage.




Check out @StarringSaraa's TikTok channel. It's classified as comedy, and there's even a caption that reads, "On Tiktok just trollin👹". There are all kinds of comedy bits on the channel, and even a bit uploaded not long before the ashes video warning about scammers.

So we all got fooled, right?



It turns out that the now viral video may be a reference to an actual case out of North Texas in which a woman was charged with abuse of a corpse for...well, you guessed it - throwing her boyfriend's mom's ashes into a lake.

You can piece together what happened thanks to reports from The Dallas Express, WFAA-TV, BET, and Black Empire.

Back in June of 2020, a guy by the name of Ernest Smith told police that his then-girlfriend, Augustine Gladney, had confessed via text message to stealing his mother's urn and throwing the ashes into Lake Worth.


So why make a TikTok skit about it now?

Well, according to the source above, Gladney was only recently charged with abuse of a corpse in connection to the case. (The wheels of justice are turning slowly on this one, I guess.) The story probably caught @StarringSaraa's attention, and here we are.


It's so easy to have a kneejerk reaction to anything we see online these days, especially when we just expect everything to be terrible.

The lesson here is to take things with a grain of salt or do a little digging before you type a novella in the comments section.

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