The Royal Wedding – Do You Even Care?
A ROYAL WASTE OF TIME?: As you might have heard by now, there’s a big giant wedding taking place very early Friday morning that will be broadcast to the entire world. I speak, of course, of the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
But do you really care enough to lose sleep over this "event"? Clearly our media is way into it. They evidently consider it a major TV event because every big news and tabloid show has had someone there covering it and reporting back on the cake, the dress, the blah blah blah for the last week or two. Most networks plan to start the live coverage at 2 a.m. our time (the actual wedding is scheduled for 4 a.m. MST).
Do you actually know anyone who'll be in front of their TV at four in the morning to watch coverage? Will you? Sure, I'll watch a few minutes of video the morning after, but - for the most part - who among us really cares? Do you? Will you watch or sleep in?
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