You Won’t Believe How Few People Live In This Huge Area Of Texas
The part of Texas with almost no residents is at the bottom of a wide section of the United States of America that is home to only 1% of the U.S. population.
Known to most as "The Big Empty", it's also sometimes called "Cowboy Alley" or the "Rolling Plains".
I'm sure "middle of nowhere" has been applied here and there as well and it begins not far from El Paso.
This seemingly abandoned section of the lone star state stretched from the Mexican border up the panhandle and, from there, all the way to the Canadian border.
Where Is The Big Empty?
A land of open road and enormous sky, the Big Empty lies more or less north of Abilene and east of Lubbock. Larger than some states, with a population smaller than many urban zip codes, the seldom-traveled chunk of prairie is home to red-dirt farms and huge ranches, from the Pitchfork and Matador to the Four Sixes. -
The Texas portion of this "no man's land" takes up about 1/3 of the lone star states total area. Above Texas, it occupies parts of 9 other states.
Covering about 350,000 square miles the "underpopulated" belt cuts a wide swath across the country.
In terms of size, if it was a state, the "underpopulated belt" would replace Texas as the second largest state.
Where Does Most Of America's Population Live?
If you draw a line through the middle of the United States of America, you'll find 80% of our population lives east of it and 20% of the U.S. population lives west of it.
That leaves less than 1% of The U.S. population living within this area.
LESS than 1 percent ... wow.
I hope Grubhub delivers there.