
Arrest Warrant Issued
Arrest Warrant Issued
Arrest Warrant Issued
Wednesday, rapper Wiz Khalifa missed his court date for charges stemmed from a May arrest for marijuana possession at the El Paso International Airport. He obviously doesn't care about the charges, because he was playing Pictionary on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!
Women Barely Escape Death
Women Barely Escape Death
Women Barely Escape Death
There's a crazy video captured on a camera mounted on a train of two women in Indiana narrowly escaping death when the speeding train rolled up on them.
Mikey Wax Performs
Mikey Wax Performs
Mikey Wax Performs
Singer and songwriter Mikey Wax stops by the KISS studios to sing his newest single, ‘You Lift Me Up’ for our listeners!
StreetFest Video Recap
StreetFest Video Recap
StreetFest Video Recap
The All-American Rejects brought the house down during their encore doing "Gives You Hell" to the delight of the StreetFest crowd packed up and down Santa Fe Street.
StreetFest Recap Day 1
StreetFest Recap Day 1
StreetFest Recap Day 1
Great music, great food, great fun! That's El Paso's Downtown StreetFest. But there's so much to see and do, you might miss some of it. Fear not -- it's the StreetFest Slowdown, where we take a turn through the whole party cruising low and slow. Maybe we saw you!
BTE Performs Juicy
El Paso's Downtown StreetFest brought the peeps, Louisiana's Better Than Ezra brought the fun, especially leading into their song "Juicy" with a touch of the Rolling Stones, and a break for an ode to the Sugar Hill Gang's classic rap, "Double Dutch Bus" in the middle!

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