There are lots of negative connotations put on people who claim to be a witch or claim to practice witchcraft. But is it illegal? I looked at Texas law and found the answer.
Spring time in Texas means an uptick in the number of vows that will be exchanged. But is there a limit to how times you can do that? We found the answer.
Cash or coins, that have come from a U.S. mint, are legal to use to pay for goods or services in the United States. But can a business refuse cash as payment? Let's find out.
There has been an argument for a long time online about posting a picture of a license plate for all to see thinking anyone could get someone's personal information from it. Can it legally be done? I found the answer to that question.
Land ownership is a huge source of pride for many in Texas. But what if your neighbor left a piece of land abandoned or you found land that didn't look kept up with no one on it. Could you possess that land and make it yours? Let's take a look.
We've heard the figurative phrase of burning through cash. But what if you actually burned cash? Is it legal to do so? I take a look at the laws around this question.