20 Things We Worried About Way Too Much as Kids20 Things We Worried About Way Too Much as KidsWe thought quick sand would be everywhere!Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
El Paso’s Bigfoot Better Look Out It’s Legal To Shoot One In TXEl Paso’s Bigfoot Better Look Out It’s Legal To Shoot One In TXWhile Washington state may be a Bigfoot refuge, hunting and shooting down a Bigfoot in Texas is completely legal. MonikaMonika
Could The Horizon City Monster Be Lurking In El Paso’s Mountains?Could The Horizon City Monster Be Lurking In El Paso’s Mountains?This is how a recent and strange incident at McKeligon Canyon led me to believe the legend of the Horizon City Monster.MonikaMonika
Where is the Horizon City Monster Keeping Cool in Horizon City?Where is the Horizon City Monster Keeping Cool in Horizon City?I've been looking around the area and have a pretty good idea where the creature is at keeping cool this weekend.Emily SlapeEmily Slape