EP Kids Head Back To School - Watch Out For Them In School ZonesEP Kids Head Back To School - Watch Out For Them In School ZonesHere are a few things to remember, including what kind of fines you could face if you break the law inside a school zone. TriciaTricia
Selling Or Buying Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards Could Cost $5,000Selling Or Buying Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards Could Cost $5,000By using a fake vaccine card you will continue letting the COVID-19 pandemic rage and that could mean potential further shutdowns.TriciaTricia
City Of EP - Why Are You Watering During The Day? [VIDEO]City Of EP - Why Are You Watering During The Day? [VIDEO]You have to follow a watering schedule or face a fine, but apparently the City of El Paso does not.TriciaTricia