Why Is EP City Council Fighting So Hard To Keep You In The Dark?Why Is EP City Council Fighting So Hard To Keep You In The Dark?The City Manager and City Attorney were up for review earlier this year and City officials are working to keep what they had to say from you.TriciaTricia
Yo El Paso City Council - You're Getting Paid So Do Your JobYo El Paso City Council - You're Getting Paid So Do Your JobYou guys are responsible for an almost billion dollar budget and you either make that your sole focus or move aside and let someone in who will. TriciaTricia
EP City Leaders 'Tax Incentives To Bring Higher Paying Jobs'EP City Leaders 'Tax Incentives To Bring Higher Paying Jobs'The City's plan sounds good. Hopefully they put it into place because you deserve the same kind of incentives as out of town businesses.TriciaTricia
Will El Paso Shut Down Curbside Recycling? It Just MightWill El Paso Shut Down Curbside Recycling? It Just MightIs the City just getting us ready to pull the plug on the curbside recycling program? We report, you decide.TriciaTricia
Austin Judge Says ‘No Sports Arena In Durangito’ But Does That Mean No Sports At AllAustin Judge Says ‘No Sports Arena In Durangito’ But Does That Mean No Sports At AllThe Austin judge gave ruling today on Durangito and the downtown arena, but it raised many more questions than it answered.TriciaTricia
West/Southside El Paso City Council Seat Decided In Saturday ElectionWest/Southside El Paso City Council Seat Decided In Saturday ElectionCortney Niland's council seat is finally filled and now El Paso City Council has a full slate.TriciaTricia
Property Taxes Need to Go Up?Property Taxes Need to Go Up?Find out why both the City Manager and newly elected mayor say your property taxes need to go up.TriciaTricia