Remembering Hooters' Unique Airline Journey in This Texas CityRemembering Hooters' Unique Airline Journey in This Texas CityYes Texas loves Hooters on the ground AND in the air.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Yuck! Airline Passenger Showered With Maggots From Overhead BinYuck! Airline Passenger Showered With Maggots From Overhead BinThe international flight was about two hours into its journey when it had to turn around. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The Secret Boarding Pass Code You Need to Know Before FlyingThe Secret Boarding Pass Code You Need to Know Before FlyingYou better not be running late if you get this code on your boarding pass.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Airline Introduces Exclusive 'Adults-Only' Zones on FlightsAirline Introduces Exclusive 'Adults-Only' Zones on FlightsWould you pay the extra fee to sit in the “adult only zone” on a plane?!Iris LopezIris Lopez
American Airlines Flight From Dallas To El Paso Has To Turn Back Around Because Of In-Flight ProblemAmerican Airlines Flight From Dallas To El Paso Has To Turn Back Around Because Of In-Flight ProblemFlying is a lot of fun, except when parts fall off the plane you're on and forces the pilot to turn back around. That's what happened to an American Airlines flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to El Paso today.TriciaTricia