Remember El Paso’s Prince Machiavelli? There’s a Starbucks Going Up at It’s Former Location
That joke about a Starbucks on every corner? It’s funny cuz they really are everywhere. Case in point, there will be a new Starbucks going up on Executive Center Blvd in the near future. You know, in case the one 2-and-a-half miles away on Sunland Park Drive and the one 2 miles away on N. Mesa and Kerbey are too far out of the way of your commute.
Documents online show a “new Starbucks facility” is planned for 533 Executive Center and I-10, which is the last parcel of land you pass before turning right to get onto I-10 West.
The Prince
Old-school gentlemen club enthusiasts might recall that was where Prince Machiavelli once stood.
From strippers to lattes? Makes sense, they both drain your wallet.
The adult entertainment venue with the two castle-like towers that framed the front door stood at that corner from “the mid to late 80s” until it was torn down in 2014. At the time of its demolition, it was known as the Westside Show Lounge.
The location's storied past, according to a 2014 article that mourned its passing, includes turns as the restaurant/disco Taffy Jones in the mid-70s, which later became Crow's Castle, and then a second Iron Tender restaurant location before settling in as a high heels and thongs show place.
Construction of the Executive Center Starbucks is underway with a target completion date of March 2022.
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