Plaza Classic Film Festival Will Be Alive With The Sound Of Music
As much as I usually enjoy the Plaza Classic Film Festival, every year they bring a movie that makes me squeal with delight and jump up and down because I can't wait to see it on the big screen in the historic Plaza Theater. This year, that movie will be The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.
Monday, August 2, at 7:00 p.m., I will be in the Plaza Theatre and 10 year old me will be falling in love with Captain Von Trapp all over again. I have to tell you, Christopher Plummer stole my heart in 1975 when I saw the movie during a run in El Paso. I think I saw it at the Pershing Theater in Five Points in Central El Paso but really all I know is that I suddenly thought being a nun so I could become the nanny to a bunch of kids with a hot father was a great career plan. I mean, look at this dance. Who wouldn't want to be held in this man's arms?
The best part about this movie is that Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer actually remained very close friends until he passed away a few years ago. Even though the movie was the Disney version of what really happened to the Von Trapp family, it is still one of the most fun movies ever made. The songs are wonderful and the ending makes you feel like anything is possible. The only part that was really hard to watch when I was a kid was, of course, the scene when the family is trying to escape the Nazis. I still have to catch my breath every time I see it because it always seems like they won't make it.
Check out this movie and so many others at the Plaza Classic Film Festival later this summer. Get all the details by clicking here.