There are only two Glamour Shots left worldwide, and one of them is still going strong right here in El Paso, TX.


What do high school students, superintendents, firefighters, workers in Beto O’Rourke’s congressional office, and Khalid have in common? If you guessed that they all had had their day posing for Glamour Shots, then you'd be right. 

In 2019, Glamour Shots was down to 5 stores nationwide, but due to the ongoing pandemic, the once-thriving franchise photo service has dwindled to two locations; one in New Jersey and the other located right here in El Paso.

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The first Glamour Shots store opened in 1988 in Dallas, peaking with 380 locations in 1995 worldwide, including shops in Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

At the height of its fame in the '90s, Glamour Shots was synonymous with big hair, airbrushed makeup, feathered boas, pensive poses, cowboy hats, and those acid-washed jean jackets bedazzled to the nines. 

Right around the same time in 1991, Leonora Campbell opened her Glamour Shots of El Paso store at Cielo Vista Mall. Seven years later, and right before cell phone cameras and selfies became the norm, Campbell moved her shop to Sun Ray Plaza off Gateway West.

Fast forward 30-years later, and El Paso's only Glamour Shots, according to an article in New York Times, has survived thanks in part to a varied clientele, including young female equestrians in traditional escaramuza charra uniforms, quinceañeras, team portraits, and multiple contracts with local area high schools.

Over the years, Glamour Shots has expanded its services, offering dozens of options from graduation photos, greeting and holiday cards, calendars, even fairy tale packages, and much more.

While Glamour Shots-style photographs are making a resurgence today, it's rather cool to know that one of the last two shops in existence today is still going strong in our corner of the world where El Pasoans can still be treated as models and get the authentic Glamour Shots experience.

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