Nontraditional Treats to Hand Out for Halloween to Texas Trick or Treaters
Halloween is a time for candy. Period. We all know the main goal of trick-or-treating is to see just how much candy we can put into a bucket, a bag, or even a pillowcase.
Oh, how I miss the candy hauls and the excitement of going through the candy and seeing what new candies were given to me for free. FREE! Now a bag of candy is like twenty bucks.
I might just have to steal some candy from my nephew.
More and more parents try to change the idea of getting candy to just enjoy the fun of Halloween with carnivals and a minimal amount of candy. At least, from what I see on social media.
Another thing I see on social media is different things to hand out to children instead of candy, also known as nontraditional treats.
These are some of the nontraditional treats I have seen being shared across social media so far.
I am asking you lovely reader to add to the list of nontraditional items you would like to receive when trick-or-treating.
Nontraditional Items to Give Out to Trick-or-Treaters
Painted Rocks
A memory that will last forever can be tied to a painted rock. I still have some that I painted during a California vacation as a child back in the 90s. I know it was the 90s because it says NSYNC. Halloween-painted rocks are a great little gift that will last longer than any candy.
Gift Cards
If you have the money, $5 gift cards could be a cool little treat for those that show up at your door. Extra points if it is a Whataburger gift card.
The adorable and squishy toys that have both young and old collectors searching stores would be a great treat. Seriously, these things are already turning into collectors items and many people would think you are the King or Queen of Halloween if you handed out these treats
A little reminder to stay spooky all year long could come in the form of a keychain. Get some cute Halloween-themed ones to stay in the spirit of the holiday or just some motivational message ones could do the trick.
Mmm...Donuts. Buy a few dozen boxes and treat those who come to your door to an extra special treat. Donut miss this opportunity to be the coolest house on the block.
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