Measles Case Confirmed In New Mexico – Here’s What You Need To Know
Measles is a growing problem across the country. There are numerous outbreaks going on all over the United States due to, what officials say, is the refusal of more and more parents to vaccinate their children. Whether you vaccinate you child or not isn't up for discussion in this particular article, but the consequences of a lack of vaccination is.
There has been one case of measles confirmed in New Mexico. Officials with the New Mexico Department of Heath have confirmed that a one-year-old child from Sierra County has come down with the measles. Officials say this is the first case of measles reported in New Mexico since December of 2014.
You can click here to find out exactly where measles is making an appearance across the country via the CDC website. There are cases in Texas. Measles is highly contagious and can be transmitted person-to-person by droplets or through the air. Early symptoms include fever, red eyes, runny nose, and cough. After that, you will typically see these symptoms - a rash that will begin on the face and spread through the body. If you or your child has these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately. If you aren't sure if you were vaccinated against measles, or are wondering if you should get a booster shot as an adult, click here for more information.