Texas Spirit Distilleries Want More Direct Selling, Liquor Sales on Sundays
Texas is a weird state when it comes to the sale of liquor. Monday through Saturday, you can't buy it after 9 p.m. You can't buy it at all on Sunday. The day after a major holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, etc.) you can't buy liquor, either. An entire county can be "dry" but yet an individual city in that "dry" county can vote to sell liquor (looking at you Smith county.) But go to any restaurant that serves liquor and you can order a drink up until their last call, even on a Sunday. Texas spirit distilleries are pushing for the Texas legislature to amend some of these laws to help increase their sales. Changes that would only benefit the Texas economy.
Texas liquor distilleries will be pushing the Texas legislature to make some changes to the various laws over the sale of spirits in the state. One of those would be to increase how much they can sell directly from their distillery with another allowing the sale of spirits on Sunday across the state.
The distilleries are basing this off a report from the Austin Business Journal (which is stuck behind a pay wall or I would link to it so I'll use KVUE's report sourced at the bottom) that showed in 2020 the 190 spirit making companies in Texas contributed $2 billion and around 5,000 jobs to the economy of Texas. Of the $968 million in beverage taxes, $43 million came from the sale of locally made spirits.
Another restriction distilleries face is only being able to sell two bottles per customer per month directly from their distillery. Spirit distilleries want to see this number increased as well.
The Texas legislature convenes again in January of 2023 where this subject will hopefully be taken up. Now if only we could get, I don't know, Tyler, to get off it's keister and allow for liquor sales in the city, we wouldn't have to drive 30, 40, 50 minutes to the closest store.