It's something that you would probably only see in Texas. All across the Lone Star state, high school students are participating in homecoming week- which means one thing: homecoming mums!

Rachel5041 via TikTok
Rachel5041 via TikTok

It's a Texas tradition to have the most glitzy and biggest homecoming mum- it really shows off your school spirit! Mums these days are no joke- as they say, "everything's bigger in Texas"! But I think the students at Princeton High School in Princeton, Texas have really shown their high school spirit with this homecoming mum!

The advanced floral class of Princeton high just set a new record for tallest homecoming mum after they built an 18 foot mum that had to be held up with a steel frame! Just look at how this beast of a mum was created!

All in all, it took:

  • one ream of butcher paper
  • 56 feet of fishing line
  • 434 feet of streamers
  • a package of zip ties
  • 1,000 coffee filters
  • and A LOT of hot glue

The students told NBCDFW that all the work was worth it as it turned out better than expected! The biggest challenge was trying to get it inside for all the great photo ops.

So what became of the huge mum? Unfortunately it ended up getting caught in the rain, and destroying all the hard work the students did. But they didn't get bummed out, they are already planning out next years homecoming mum.

Did you have a homecoming mum? Some of my favorite homecoming mums are from my junior and senior year of high school! My mom made the one for my junior year. For my senior year, my date's mom made it so we were matching. It was so cool; however, it would probably pale in comparison to some of the mums I've seen these days!

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