This is the Most Mispronounced Town Name in Texas
Growing up in El Paso, Texas, we're pretty good at pronouncing Hispanic sounding names. Even those who aren't Hispanic have gotten good at it. However, one Texas town's name has been dubbed the most mispronounced town name in Texas- and I'm a little shocked!
Not going to lie, Texas has some pretty weird sound town and county names that I myself am not entirely sure I know how to pronounce; there's Bexar county- which is pronounced like "bear" NOT "Bex-ar"!
Then there's Mexia, Texas, which is pronounced "Muh-HAY-uh." And most recently, I learned of Pflugerville, Texas, where the P is silent and the entire town is leaning in on that joke!
And don't you dare call Guadalupe county "Gua-da-loo-pay" it's pronounced "Gua-da-loop". You will get laughed out of the Lone Star state if you make any of these mistakes!
However, none of these made it on the the list of the most mispronounced town name in Texas!
According to 24/7 Wall St., César Chávez, Texas is the most mispronounced town name in all of Texas! Excuse me while I laugh in El Pasoan!
I don't mean to laugh, but here in El Paso, the amount of César's and the amount of Chávez's we run into here is insane! They're both very common names!
César Chávez, Texas is located in Hidalgo county and has a population of about 1,442 and in its name, there are a total of 11 characters and 4 vowels. It shares its name with the famous farm worker and activist. So, just how do you pronounce it? It's real simple, and you don't even need to fake an accent. It is pronounced:
SEH-sahr CHAH-vess.
I hope that helps!
You can see the entire list of other town names that are notoriously mispronounced here.
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Gallery Credit: Dubba G