Every 4 years, the time overlords grant us an extra day in the year. It's kinda like Daylight Saving Time except instead of getting 1 extra hour, we get 24.

2024 is a leap year which gets us a "leap" day, adding February 29th to this years calendar. Ever wonder why? Well, NASA says:

It takes approximately 365.25 days for Earth to orbit the Sun — a solar year. We usually round the days in a calendar year to 365. To make up for the missing partial day, we add one day to our calendar approximately every four years. - NASA

That's the simplest explanation I found which is odd because the government NEVER offers the simplest explanation. It's like they get bonused for complicating things.

What's The Big Deal With Anthony And Leap Year?

Anyway, 2/29 is coming up fast and there is a BIG party planned in Anthony, Texas. Why is Anthony so amped up about Leap Year?? Because they are the official Leap Year Capitol of the World, that's why. Thanks to a lady named Mary Ann Brown, Anthony is THE place to be every February 29th.

The party is in honor of 29'ers - peeps born on February 29th who only get a proper, "day of" birthday party once every 4 years.

This year, it's a 3 day birthday bash with the epicenter being Rollin' Smoke BBQ, (200 S. Main), and advance tickets are already on sale, get yours here.

If you're a 29-er or a "leapling", (born on 2/29), Rollin' Smoke's got a BBQ dinner with your name on it ... RSVP here. If you meet the born on date requirements, you eat free and you get to bring 1 guest. I'm sure they'll be checking ID's so, don't try to be slick.

Seriously, this is a big deal ... peeps come from all over the world for this thing, (Freakin' Graham Nash was the grand marshal one year), so get tickets and/or make reservations and accommodations while you can.

They're trying to get into the Guinness Book Of World Records with this one too so, if you know a "Leaper", spread the word.

Celebrate National Banana Day With Shakes, Pies, Cookies, and Beer

April 21 is the day we celebrate God's perfect fruit, the banana! I mean, it is super tasty, super healthy, super beautiful, and it comes in its own natural packaging! So, here's to you King Banana. To help you celebrate we have listed eleven places around Upstate New York where you can indulge on this special day in a banana cookie, banana cream pie, a cup of banana custard, a banana doughnut, and yes, even a bottle of banana beer. Well, kind of.

Check it out and have a fun time celebrating National Banana Day!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

Best Cities In The U.S. For Pool Parties

These are the best cities in the country for pool parties, according to Upgraded Points. Spoiler: Boise made the list!

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

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