There are some pretty unique sights around the El Paso, Texas area that, once you see them, there’s simply no denying where you are. Maybe it’s the backdrop of the Franklin Mountains, a prickly pear cactus with a plastic bag stuck to it during windy season, the red “X” in Juarez, the lady with the burrito basket, Rosa’s Cantina, Ft Bliss from 54, or any of the other places, landmarks, and people that give the Borderland its distinct flavor.

Show Us What Makes El Paso One of a Kind

You Know You’re In El Paso When You See…” is a contest to collect photos of the Borderland to be featured on our websites and social media pages. Just for submitting photos in one of three categories, you could win $1,000!

(Must be 21 years of age or older to enter.)

When?: July 10, 2023 through 10 p.m. July 31, 2023

Where to Enter?: Through either the KLAQ, or KSII, or 600 ESPN Mobile Apps

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

How many photos can I submit?: Up to three per category, through any combination of apps (not 3 per app).

What do you want?: People, Places, or Things, interpreted as whatever shows an element distinctly El Paso! Note the subject does not have to be exclusively El Paso, just something that would inspire the viewer to say “yeah, that’s El Paso.”

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

Other criteria?: Original digital entry photos that YOU took only. Proof of ownership may be required. All submissions become the property of Townsquare Media El Paso, and by submitting you have agreed to release ownership to be used as Townsquare Media El Paso sees fit.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

You Could Win $1,000 for Your El Paso Pics

After the contest is closed, a panel of station representatives (TBD) will look through all photos and select their favorite in each category. We’ll grade entries utilizing a 1 to 10 scale in 7 areas: Appropriateness of Subject Matter, Creativity, Visual Appeal, Humor, Composition, Style, and the Story It Tells. All judging is up to the individual judge’s discretion, and all decisions are final.

From the photo scoring highest in each of the three categories, one will be drawn at random to win the Grand Prize of $1,000! The other two “best in category” winners will receive concert tickets to a show TBD.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

All of El Paso Will See Your Beautiful Snapshots

Galleries of various entrees will be posted on the stations’ websites and Mobile Apps. Inclusion in a gallery does not represent any judgment of whether or not the photo is in the running for a prize. Townsquare Media El Paso reserves the right to reject any images that are blurry, obscene, or deemed by us to be inappropriate in any way. Submissions beyond the maximum 3 in any category will be tossed from the competition.

All winners will be announced the morning of Friday, August 4th.

(Standard Townsquare Media El Paso Contest Rules apply; see website for details.)

Special Thanks to Modelo

Brought to you by Modelo Especial - born with the fighting spirit and brewed with the taste of pure gold.

📸LOOK: You Know You're in El Paso When You See...

Thank you to everyone who sent in their pictures of the images that say you’re in El Paso! 

Photos came from three categories: People, Places, and Things. Some were beautiful, some were far from masterpieces, but even then some of the poor quality photos captured the essence of life in the Borderland. Here are just a few of pictures that say, “You Know You’re In El Paso When You See…” 

Enjoy the views! 

Inclusion in this gallery is no indication of evaluation that the picture is in the running for any award or prize. 

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