Big Surprise – El Paso Will Not See The First 2024 Freeze In Texas
El Paso will enjoy/suffer summer longer than most of Texas and absolutely won't be the first Texas city to see a fall freeze. We should get one before Christmas though.
Summer is far from over in the lone star state but many are already turning their thoughts to chilly evenings, pumpkin spiced everything and Friday Night Lights. Not to mention Saturday "bowls" and the pros on Sunday. And Monday. And Thursday.
Yep, after what we put up with through the summer 'round these parts, Texans love their falls'. That being said, wanna know who freezes first this year? The smart money is on Amarillo, Pampa or Plainview.
According to the old Framer's Almanac, which has always been the most trusted source EVER when it comes to this kind of stuff, the 915 ain't getting frosty 'til November 14th.
Note, this info comes from the "old" Farmer's Almanac. I didn't know there was a "new" one. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I always say so, I'm sticking with the OG for my weather factoids. Here are the first freeze dates for Texas' biggest cities:
When The Biggest Cities In Texas Can Expect Their First Frost
Gallery Credit: Dubba G
Granted, these are guesses. Mother Nature may or may not agree ... you know how she gets. Farmer's Almanac has a pretty good track record so, if you're in El Chuco, have the fire pits ready and empty all the old beer cans and stuff out of your 55 gallon barrels by 11/1. Just in case.
For the rest of other Texas, click here.
How to Prepare for a Texas Winter
Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford