Students, and some lucky workers across El Paso, Texas will have Good Friday off in preparation for the Easter holiday weekend.

Easter weekend was always a favorite of mine; but I'm pretty sure when I was in school, we didn't get Good Friday off, I'm almost certain that we would instead get the Monday after Easter off as a holiday- does anyone else remember this?


The day after Easter is called "Easter Monday" and it's totally a thing! Easter Monday is a Christian holiday that is celebrated the day after Easter Sunday. It is observed by many Christians around the world, particularly in countries with Christian traditions. Easter Monday is considered a public holiday in many countries, including parts of Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

And once upon a time, we had the day off! Easter Monday in my house was usually reserved for cleaning up the confetti left behind from the cascarones, and trying to get over a candy hangover from all the chocolates in our Easter baskets.

Confetti Clean up
The Creative Exchange via Unsplash

So, I ask you Borderland residents, which would you prefer to have off? Good Friday or Easter Monday?

While having Good Friday off is a good way to start the weekend early, to me, having Monday after Easter off made more sense; everyone would usually be too tired the day after Easter to function! I guess either way you see it, a day off is a day off and maybe I'm just a little jealous because I get neither days off! Enjoy your Easter weekend!

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