Insane Dash Cam Video Shows Moment Driver Gets Caught in EF3 Tornado
In a heart-stopping moment caught on camera, a 25-year-old driver found himself in the midst of a powerful EF3 tornado in Clarksville, Tennessee. The intense dash cam footage reveals a scene straight out of a movie (yes, "Twister"), with lightning flashing, poles bending, and debris flying all around as the vehicle's windshield starts to crack under the onslaught of the 150 mph winds.
Miraculously, the driver survived this terrifying encounter, though his car was not so fortunate, ending up a total wreck after the storm's fury. However, this traumatic experience has sparked a wave of criticism and debate over the driver's decision-making in the face of the tornado.
One major point of contention is the overall irony of the situation – the driver, equipped with a dash cam, seemingly lacked awareness of the impending weather conditions. The reactions to the video have been a mix of awe, concern, and disbelief.
Some viewers were critical, questioning whether the driver's actions were a deliberate attempt to capture dramatic footage, potentially for monetary gain on platforms like YouTube.
Others debated the right course of action when caught in such a dangerous situation, with suggestions ranging from continuing to drive to stopping and seeking shelter.
The incident has also highlighted a broader issue: the apparent disregard for severe weather alerts despite widespread access to technology that can provide real-time updates. This oversight has led many to drive into dangerous conditions, sometimes with fatal consequences.
One comment encapsulates the broader sentiment: "This kid got lucky! This is what happens when panic sets in, all rationale goes out the window." Let this be a reminder of the unpredictability and power of Mother Nature, not the mention the fact that she's basically undefeated on earth.
LOOK: The most expensive weather and climate disasters in recent decades
Gallery Credit: KATELYN LEBOFF