I will be the first to admit I don't know everything about computers. Luckily I have a coworker who does, and he also maintains all of our computer systems here at the radio station.

However, I have figured out an array of shortcuts over the years. Most involve the dreaded F keys at the top of the keyboard, just like the one I am working on right now. If you are using a Microsoft system the keys likely go all the way to F12. 

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Some early Mac computers went all the way to F17. In the past when shortcuts were all the rage some keyboards went up to F24, which is double the amount we currently use.

You can access all 12 extra key functions in Windows by pressing Shift and the F key to equal its double function key. For example, Shift + F12 = F24.

Texans Get Work Done Faster With These Shortcuts

According to Texas Community Health News, 1 in 12 Texans don't have access to the internet. As more Texans get connected, these functions will make our work go faster.

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If someone catches you using one of these shortcuts, they might think you have more computer skills than you do. That can be a blessing and a curse.

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Find A Shortcut You Can Use In The List Below

You might already know some of these shortcuts and what they do, but can you name all 12? It's a lot to keep track of, so let's take a quick refresher course and find a new favorite key.

Most Texas Don't Know How To Use These Shortcuts

You could work smarter and not harder by memorizing the function keys on your keyboard. See what all 12 do to speed up your workflow. Source - homemaking.com

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick

10 Most Hacked Computer Passwords

The site Becker's Hospital Review looked at the most hacked passwords and came up with this list.

Gallery Credit: Canva

How People Observe Clean Out Your Computer Day

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