The Chamanas have been added to the lineup at Beer Bites and Beats in downtown El Paso.

Beer Bites and Beats along with Deadbeach Brewery welcome El Paso and Juarez based band The Chamanas to the lineup in September.

The Chamanas have been heavily touring around states and in South America and are currently putting the final touches on their new English language studio album NEA which will be released coming up on July 30, 2018. Last year the band was on tour with Portugal. The Man making a stop in their hometown performing at the Plaza Theatre.

The Chamanas will be taking the stage at Beer Bites and Beats which is a unique 4-day festival that begins Wednesday September 12th where you get to choose which event you want to attend such as beer tastings, beer dinners, a sunrise yoga, live painting, hiking the Franklin Mountains and a full-on concert on the last day showcasing The Chamanas and Blue October.

General admission and VIP tickets go on sale soon - Find complete details at

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