No, Glowing Object Seen Over El Paso Skies Not Alien Spaceship
Sorry UFO believers, you can put your tin foil hats away. There is no alien invasion to report.
A mysterious glowing object streaking across the sky Sunday evening (10/7/18) caused a flood of inquires on local media Facebook pages, many wondering if they had just seen an alien spacecraft.
As much as I’d like to believe it was, the object in question was actually the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on its first West Coast return-to-launch-site mission. A similar site in February when Elon Musk's space-exploration company launched a rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida carrying its test payload of a Tesla Roadster to space caused much the same reaction among Borderland residents.
This time around, the rocket was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base near Santa Barbara, California carrying several satellites. After launching the satellites, the Falcon 9 successfully returned to land near the launch site rather than at sea.
At least, that's what they're telling us. Maybe it was an alien life-form paying us a visit and using the rocket launch as cover. (Cue X-Files Theme). We report, you decide!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put my tin foil hat back on, just in case.
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