In an attempt to unite local creatives in El Paso, @Munvio has organized a Creative Mixer featuring art, music, film, theatre and architecture and guest are invited to mingle with minds alike. The rare gathering will take place at Glassbox located at 210 Poplar St. on Wednesday, November 1st beginning at 7pm and entry is free. The Mixer will feature artworks from emerging artists. Artists, Designers, Collectors Filmmakers and Art Enthusiasts are invited to network and make contact with others riding the same vibe.

I spoke to Promoter and Creative Director for Munvio, Carlo Mendo and you can scope out the excerpt below:



What is Munvio?

Munvio is an entertainment/news production and distribution system that caters to the entertainment and cultural needs of the 50 Million Latinos living in the United States. Munvio’s main goal is to monetize the popularization and distribution of Latin entertainment products and culture serving an ever-evolving and increasingly diverse community of bicultural Latinos whose lifestyles are defining the mainstream.


What can we expect to see at Glassbox on November 7th?

There will be art exhibitions from a local architect, live music, stand up comedy by a 12 year old young man, and a gathering of El Paso creatives.


Why do you think it's important to unite people with similar interest and how do you think this affects El Paso?

El Paso is one of the most special cities in the world. We have such a powerful culture and talent. Together we can share all our amazing talent and be the center and capital of the border.  

Do you have future events in the works?

We want to continue doing this every 2 months and even a collaboration with other cities that have a high concentration of latinos like Los Angeles & Chicago.


Check out Munvio for more information.

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