Five Weird Food Combinations That are Actually Good
I’m sure we all know that one person who loves to eat weird food combinations that sound terribly awful and just might actually be awful.
However, there are weird food combinations that are actually a must try because of how delicious they are.
1. Oreo's & Peanut Butter: If you’ve seen the famously, “Parent Trap,” you know this combination is a must try because of how delicious it is.
2. Pickles & Honey: This combination doesn’t sound appealing at first, but once you try it, you’ll realize that it’s actually better than you thought it was going to be.
3. Tuna & BBQ Sauce: It may not be pulled pork with BBQ sauce but it is a combination that you can definitely put inside a sandwich.
4. Pizza Dipped In Ketchup: Aside from the usual pizza dipped in ranch combination, ketchup is a pizza dip that is actually quite tasteful.
5. Chocolate Chip Cookies in Hot Tea: At first, you contemplate this combination because you don’t know what to expect. However, once you try it, you will absolutely love it.
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