Pay Down Your El Paso Library Fine with Canned Food Donation
If you have overdue books, the El Paso Public Library wants to make a deal with you. Help them feed El Paso’s hungry and they’ll reduce your library fines by $1 for every can of food or nonperishable food item you donate, up to $5 per day.
The Food for Fines program benefits not just your bottom line, it also helps fellow El Pasoans who struggle with hunger every day via the annual citywide MLK Canned Food Drive.
So if you want to save a few bucks and get your borrowing privileges reinstated, simply take your overdue items and food donations to any library branch between now and Saturday, January 13, 2018, and let the librarian know you want to trade food for a fine reduction.
Call 543-5433 if you have questions or need more details, and find out more about the 18th Annual MLK Canned Food Drive below.
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