Drive-In Movies Coming To The El Paso County Coliseum
A drive-in style movie theater will be hosted in June at the El Paso County Coliseum.
Folks across the world have been creatively working around the novel coronavirus to bring entertainment to the masses in the form of drive-in style movie theatres and live music concerts while adhering to social distancing rules and safety precautions.
Coming up in June the El Paso County Coliseum along with C&G Entertainment will be teaming up to host its Sun City Carpool Cinema.
The coronavirus has hobbled the entertainment industry including the movie theatre experience including the Plaza Classic Film Festival. Just last week the Plaza Classic Film Festival announced that they too would be adapting to the coronavirus by hosting pop-up drive-in movies across several locations around El Paso.
As we continue to do our best to stay safe from COVID 19, drive-in style movie theatre and concerts just might be the new way we consume our entertainment until this pandemic is contained.
The Sun City Carpool Cinema has yet to announce any details such as which movies it will screen, or any ticket information. Based on the El Paso County Coliseum’s Facebook page all we know is that it’s set to take place outdoors at the Coliseum the weekend of June 6 through June 8, 2020, with more information pending. Check back on the El Paso County Coliseum Facebook page for updates.
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