If you were hoping that the 3 Legged Monkey might still have some life in it, I have some sad news for you. I was driving home yesterday afternoon when I saw the unmistakable signs of a dead Monkey.

3 Legged Monkey Takes Down Signage
courtesy: Patricia Martinez

Mike Armstrong has been battling the City to keep the doors to his bar open, but judging from the front of the building at the corner of Hawkins and Montana, it looks like the Monkey is no more. The City and residents from the surrounding Cielo Vista neighborhood said there was hot monkey sex happening in yards in the homes across the street from the Monkey, and the bar's patrons were allegedly fertilizing people's yards by pooping on their grass. Residents called the cops a zillion times, police reportedly tried unsuccessfully to sell drugs in undercover stings in the restrooms, and the fight ultimately ended up in bankruptcy court.

Last month, Armstrong said he wanted a $300,000 settlement from the City for lost income because of the legal battle to keep the Monkey in business, but the City said, sorry, not gonna happen. Armstrong threatened an 8 million dollar lawsuit against the City, but there is no word on one having been filed.

The Monkey had a good run, famous patrons who enjoyed themselves a whole bunch, including former State Rep. Norma Chavez, and even became the home for Putt Putt fiberglass animals who would have been destroyed had Armstrong not bought them. It's not known if the Monkey will resurrect itself somewhere else, but if it does, we'll let you know.

R.I.P 3 Legged Monkey.

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