El Paso Streets & Maintenance Explains Why City Overrun with Weeds
Many El Pasoans have had it with an owner they say isn’t doing enough to control the rampant growth of weeds on the properties it owns and is supposed to maintain.
But it’s not like they can report them to City Code Enforcement because the city is the owner.
After I published an article about the city cracking down on homeowners whose yards were overrun with weeds, it was clear many residents are upset that the city is threatening to fine people for something the city is just as guilty of.
Comment after comment -- and there were hundreds of them -- feel the city has a worse weed problem, and them pointing fingers is a classic case of do as I say not as I do.
Henry Aguilar:
Tell codes to remind the city they also are in violationDamian Andrade:
Who fines the city for letting the weeds on city property get overgrown?Helen Garza:
Is the city going to fine themselves as well? I see a ton of weeds everywhereGrace De Anda:
There are a lot of weeds on medians and side walk and vacant city properties. They need to clean those too. Who fines them?
Weeds Gone Wild - Here's Why
At a City Council Work Session on Monday (9/13/21), Public Works officials tried to justify/ validate/ explain why medians and other city property throughout El Paso look like crap.
In a nutshell, Streets and Maintenance Department crews have been busy doing more urgent post-monsoon associated tasks such as -- and I quote from the PowerPoint presentation:
Removal of obstructions in the right of way caused by washed out debris, extracting standing water, scouting infrastructure for damage, and securing any potentially hazardous roads to prevent accidents. This also includes pot hole repair, repair of concrete elements in the right of way, [and] sweeping to collect residual debris collected by removal crews.
Plan for Median Cleaning
Public Works officials told Council they feel they've made progress on clean up efforts over the last two weeks and have "refocused" on ridding medians of their overabundance of unsightly weeds.
Per the PowerPoint presentation, the plan for medians and weeds over the next 30 days is:
• Continue to utilizing outside contractors to help us catch up on median cleaning
• Continue aggressive herbicide program on street Right of Way though both our two in-house spraying and contractor
• Expand Median crews on weekends to include additional personnel from other corrals and department divisions
You can read over the entire PowerPoint presentation that was presented to City Council HERE. Bonus: they include photos of the destruction that has kept them busy.
El Paso Looking Green & Lush
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