For a city that is supposedly nothing but a dusty west Texas town, we sure are cultured. We have a beautiful downtown theater, the Plaza Theater, that hosts Broadway shows and the amazing Plaza Classic Film Festival. The Plaza Theater also hosts the El Paso Symphony in a time when a lot of bigger cities can't sustain a symphony orchestra, and we also have the El Paso Ballet Theatre. If you haven't seen one of their performances you have really missed out, but you can check the EPBT this weekend.

On Friday March 4, at 7:30 p.m., the El Paso Ballet Theater will be in Las Cruces at the Rio Grande Theatre, and on Saturday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m., they will be at the Abraham Chavez Theater in downtown El Paso for To You With Love. You will see a mix of romantic classical and contemporary dance featuring new choreography and well-known classics, plus hear world-class guest pianist Dzmitry Ulasiuk accompanying the EPBT.

El Paso Ballet Theatre
El Paso Ballet Theatre

Ballet isn't only ethereal women in tutus twirling on their toes - say that 3 times fast. There is classical ballet, non-narrative ballet, and contemporary ballet. You'll be seeing all of those disciplines this weekend. The El Paso Ballet Theatre is now in its twelfth season and they are the only regional company to produce a full-length, locally-produced "Nutcracker." The El Paso Ballet Theatre gives so many young dancers the chance to train locally instead of having to travel for hundreds of miles to train with other ballet troupes. We are very lucky to have them in El Paso and we need to sustain them by going to their performances.

Click here for the El Paso Ballet Theatre's website to find out more about this weekend's performances.

LOOK: Here are the best lake towns to live in

Many of the included towns jump out at the casual observer as popular summer-rental spots--the Ozarks' Branson, Missouri, or Arizona's Lake Havasu--it might surprise you to dive deeper into some quality-of-life offerings beyond the beach and vacation homes. You'll likely pick up some knowledge from a wide range of Americana: one of the last remaining 1950s-style drive-ins in the Midwest; a Florida town that started as a Civil War veteran retirement area; an island boasting some of the country's top public schools and wealth-earners right in the middle of a lake between Seattle and Bellevue; and even a California town containing much more than Johnny Cash's prison blues.

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