3 New Cases of West Nile Virus Confirmed Rounding Out 10 Cases This Year
The West Nile Virus continues to affect residents as three new cases are confirmed in El Paso.
Mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus has infected two female residents and one male as of late.
According to the Department of Public Health, two women in their 70s and one male in his 80s are being treated for the West Nile Virus and all three have been dealing with underlying medical conditions.
Out of the ten cases so far, two residents have died after contracting the West Nile Virus. El Paso residents should be taking preventative measures especially with all the rainfall that is projected in the upcoming weeks to help avoid mosquitoes.
Residents are encouraged to follow the four D’s:
- DEET - Use insect DEET repellents
- DRESS - Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks if possible when outdoors.
- DUSK / DAWN – Avoid peak mosquito biting hours (from dusk to dawn)
- DRAIN – Drain standing water from your yards or inside your homes including flowerpots, gutters, pool covers, pet water dishes, birdbaths and any standing water in general.
For more information call 2-1-1 or visit EPHealth.com.
Total cases reported to the Department of Public Health in 2019:
- Female Late 70’s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Late 70’s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Early 50’s Underlying Medical Conditions (Deceased)
- Female Early 30’s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Late 30’s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Early 80’s Underlying Medical Conditions (Deceased)
- Male Early 30’s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Mid 70’s Underlying Medical Conditions (New)
- Male Early 80’s Underlying Medical Conditions (New)
- Female Mid 70’s Underlying Medical Conditions (New)